Thursday, April 06, 2006

New word: Foxnewsworthy...

news·wor·thy (n00z' wur' thy)
adj. Of sufficient interest or importance to the public to warrant reporting in the media.

fox-news·wor·thy (f0ks n00z' wur' thy)
adj. Of sufficient interest or importance to the public to warrant turning on the television and watching Fox News to see how they spin it and how much effort they spend reporting other insignificant or human interest stories to drown out the news that matters.

By way of example, I give you the story in my previous post. It was definitely foxnewsworthy. I've had Fox News on for an hour or so and watched their staff spin the story in a very positive way. According to Fox, he leaked only information about Iraq's WMD program and he was only "authorized to" (not "directed to") leak the information. They stressed that the information leaked was NOT related to the Valerie Plame case. And that was just one report. I've seen at least three reports about the McKinny shoving incident and how criminal charges may be filed, an interview with Hugh Hefner, and how Iraq is failing to form a new government. That's funny - not we're failing, Iraq is failing.

Spin is quick, and analysis takes a little longer. I am looking forward to reading about this story on Blue Meme, Daily KOS, and Consortium News in the days ahead.


Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

all media has been bought by the conservative government man...
i'm convinced of it...In this morning's NY Daily News
that Libby bombshell from yesterday was on page fucking ten!
It didn't even make the front page! NO, Page one was for some
rival gossip columnist trying to extort some billionaire or some such BS...
If this was Clinton who outed Plame, there'd be some crazy wraparound
special coverage section detailing the entire history of the case....
whatta world, whatta world....
p.s. great Damon link coulpla day miss him, admit it....

5:43 AM  
Blogger Eric Soderstrom said...

I'm with you Glenn. But don't let world affairs distract you from what's really important - Kenna Sketches!

3:12 PM  
Blogger bluememe said...

Good stuff, Eric -- I try to avoid Fox like the plague, but I'll keep the term in mind.

Keep on keepin' on.

9:28 PM  

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