Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Flowers in the front? It can't be!

But it is! And they are still there. We had all but given up on putting pretty flowers in the front of our house. It has always been, essentially, an all you can eat deer buffet.

But we wanted the entryway to look nice for Thanksgiving, so we planted some, covered them at night, left the porch light on, and put the dog bed right by the door. My new neighbor noticed and offered us some "Liquid Fence." She swore it works and that she's had mums on her porch for a month or so. I decide to try it.

I started spraying it on the flowers, and nearly lost my breakfast all over the front porch. She heard me gag and called over from her yard, "It smells terrible, but the smell goes away after a while! It's coyote pee!"

Coyote pee. I guess it will keep roadrunners away, too. It smelled really bad for about a day and a half, but the plants are still there. I have to reapply it in a few days. After that, it's supposed to be once a month.

I wonder how they get the coyotes to pee in the little spray bottles?


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