Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bummer Post...Something wrong with the Universe today...

Something was wrong with the Universe today. Or at least in my little space in that Universe. Lauren had a bummer day, Rachel had a crazy day and almost got in yet another car accident on Tubbs. And for me - work was crazy busy, and our customer just seemed grumpy today - like they just wanted to be mad at us about something.

And I had wood delivered, cable installed (bye bye DirectTV - you suck!), and got our contract signed for repairing our deck. Big check, that one. It sucks. And the box doesn't work and they only gave us one remote which was (and is) sticky (no way I'm cleaning that thing - they can bring me one in plastic). And they can't send someone out again until Thursday. And at least I still ahve the DirectTV boxes, but I would really hate to go back to those jerks.And if Rachel can't record Project Runway, I am going to be in trouble.

Oh, and I got Rachel a watch on eBay for our anniversary. And it got here not running, but at a different time and date than the auction photo, so I can only hope the battery died in transit. What are the odds of that, though? Oh, and it didn't arrive till like 8:00 PM. And along with it came a package addressed to my sister but with my parents' address in Novato. How weird is that?
That never happens with UPS, does it?

Anyway - the biggest bummer is my boy is in an ace bandage, a knee brace, and on crutches a few days before school starts.

Jake hurt his knee a few weeks ago at Saul's party. And maybe the injury goes back as far as a bad slide during baseball season. But it's hard to tell with kids growing and all. Something always seems to ached when he's going through growth spurts. And it was never enough to keep him from doing things.

Anyway, he went to watch Kaitlin's soccer practice yesterday, and ended up kicking some balls for the boy's team or something. And something in his knee popped.
We got him home. It was swollen and I could feel some things just weren't right in there when I moved it around.

Rachel took him to Kaiser today. Doctor said he may need X-rays and physical therapy, and that it is hopefully just a bad strain or muscle tear. But, of course, they couldn't get X-rays or see the physical therapist today while they were in town. No, we have to wait till tomorrow just to make an appointment. And we have Kaiser, so he can't go to Physical Therapy locally, we have to drive to Petaluma.

The next time I see one of those morons screaming against health care reform, I'm gonna scream at the TV - or in their face if it's a local protest and I happen to be in the area.

Oh, and Travis got a new Jackson guitar.

Not today, though. Nothing much good happened today to anyone I know (that I know of).

Here's to a better day tomorrow for all of us.


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