Friday, August 11, 2006

Islamic Fascism...

The phrase "Islamic fascism" seems to be the Republicans' favorite phrase these days. First it was a crusade, briefly. Then we were at war with Al Queda. Then Afghanistan. Then we were struggling in the Global War On Terror. Then we were in a Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism. Then, as I understand it, the President didn't like that phrase (He prefers to be known as a "War President" - though he clearly is struggling) and we went back to the GWOT. Now it's a war against "Islamic Fascism."

So if our enemies, led by Muslims, are all for Islamic Fascism, it follows that we are supposed to support Christian Fascism led by the Bush Administration and the Republican Congress.

Don't just dismiss this as a kneejerk post from a liberal with a heart full of hate. Bear with me here.

First, our leaders are Christians. Or at least they claim to be. How well they adhere to the tenets of the Christian faith, I'll leave for you to decide. But they publicly declare themselves to be Christians.

Are they fascists? "Fascism" is a word charged with negative connotation. Even more so now that the Bush administration has taken to applying the term to our "enemies." Most people would have a hard time defining the word, but like pornography, they know it when they see it.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.

How many of these elements of fascism are also elements of this administration and the Republican party? All of them, in varying degrees.

Corporatism? Certainly - The Bankruptcy bill, the Energy bill, no-bid contracts, the Prescription Drug Bill.

Authoritrianism? Yes, more and more every day. The government can listen to your phone calls, scrutinize your bank statements, put you on a 'no fly' list, read your e-mail, and now search your bags before you board the subway in New York. The Bush Administration ha embraced the concept of the "unitary executive" and continues to claim broad powers not given by our Constitution. When the Supreme Court ruled against the Administration in the case of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the administration immediately set about drafting legislation that would retroactively make their actions legal.

Extreme Nationalism? Dissent is now considered unpatriotic and "emboldens our enemies." Check out all of those American flags and "Support Our Troops" stickers.

Militarism? The United States spends nearly 50% of the budget on the military. We spend more than the next 12 nations combined.

Anti-anarchism? "Anarchy" comes from a Greek word meaning "without rulers." There are different ideas of what anarchism means, but in general, it supports the removal of authority and government allowing people to act freely. So yes.

Anti-communism? Of course. We can't wait to do something in Cuba and the administration is full of leftover cold warriors.

Anti-liberalism? They've made liberal a dirty word synonomous with 'weak' and 'un-American.'

So the next time you hear someone say we have to fight Islamic Fascism, ask that person if he or she supports Christian fascism.


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