Saturday, September 22, 2007

Things you get stuck behind when you're in a hurry - and a Rachel Update...

Sorry for the delay in getting any updates up. Last week sucked all over the place in 31 flavors.

We had a bit of a scare last week. We had a follow up visit with Rachel's doctor on Tuesday. Dr. Clarke was very concerned because Rachel was showing no signs of improvement and her pain levels were still very high. And she was very tight in her back, neck, and shoulders. So she was suggesting we see a pain management specialist - and that's for things like morphine and methadone. And we don't want that. And she wrote up an order for Rachel to be out of work for a month. And we don't want that either.

Also, I pulled from my file a sheet of paper Dr. Clarke had given us the week before. I asked, "Now, is this for the MRI?" No - those are for X-rays I wanted you to go get last week.

Now, I can understand with Rachel being on drugs that she wouldn't have realized that. And I was pretty stressed out. But I still don't understand how we could both walk out of there and not know what that sheet of paper was for. I mean, I was taking notes and everything.
Anyway, we rushed over to X-ray and got the pictures taken and then went home.

Fast forward to Wednesday morning and I'm downstairs working and Rachel gets a call upstairs around 11:00 saying they are squeezing her in for an emergency CT scan at 12:30 because the X-ray tech saw what could be a fracture. A fractured what? I don't know, she didn't say. So we jumped in the car and left for yet another trip to Napa.

Fortunately, we have found an alternate route that gets us there quicker and without the dreaded twisty bits over the mountain. We take Butts Canyon on out through Angwin to the Silverado trail. So we were sure we'd make it in time.
But then, there are the things you get stuck behind when you're in a hurry...

A big truck with two giant septic tanks...

A big truck with grapes because this is the wine country and this is the crush...

And a classic car that on any other day, we would love to see...

We still made it on time.

And about halfway there, I realized that if her back was broken, they'd have sent an ambulance and not have me drive. So we relaxed a bit.

The Tech said it was possibly a fractured Sacrum. And that would explain a lot about her pain levels and difficulty going to the bathroom. We got the scan done and came home.

Then Thursday was something of a miracle day. We got a call in the morning saying the CT scan was negative. And that gave us a mixed sense relief. On the one hand, we were thrilled that nothing was broken. But on the other hand, we were disturbed because we were left wondering why she was still in so much pain and having such difficulty going to the bathroom. At least if it was a fracture, it could be treated, you know?

So then the miracle part comes in - for some reason or combination of reasons, by mid-day Thursday, she was in a lot less pain. Maybe John and Chris and some of the others who pray went to a prayer group on Wednesday? Maybe the swelling had finally subsided? Maybe the hot tubs did the trick? Maybe we finally got on a good schedule with her meds that keeps the pain down in the 4-5 range instead of the 7-9 range?

Whatever the reason or reasons, she is doing much better since Thursday. She is even hoping to get a release to go back to work next week some time.
And I feel a little about this like I feel about the Red Sox. I am thrilled that she is feeling better. But at the same time, I've been through this before - the wheels could come off any minute. But I am staying positive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh, heh, heh heh...You said Butts.

3:31 AM  

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