Saturday, October 06, 2007

Rachel (and Jake) update...

Sorry I've been slow about it. She continues to have pain and take it easy. We have rearranged the furniture downstairs so that she can sit on either the Aeron chair Laurie gave me or the "Gravity Chair" I got for Father's Day. That's right, we have office and patio furniture in the Tiki Lounge. It looks goofy, but it's how she is most comfortable.

Jake had a Remicaid treatment last Monday. It went well - his SED rate was 10 which is down from 15 last time, 8 weeks ago and well below the 23-30 that the doctor's start to worry about. So it looks like the new meds combination is working fine. We also got confirmation from his GI specialist that the ultra sound they did on him a while back looked good - no signs of tumors or anything. And again, he's been a huge help with Rachel, and he seems to be keeping it together academically despite things like the other night.

The other night, Thursday, we had to take Rachel for an MRI to see if we can't figure out why her pain levels persist so high and to check out a few other things. Jake sat int he lobby and then in the car doing his homework and reading. He got all caught up on the work he missed Monday, and he slept in the car on the way home.

We hope to get Rachel's MRI results on Monday.

We found out that the lady who hit Rachel is still ducking everybody, but that she was insured by Geico. Let's see how the Gecko treats us.

And we got the dogs some toys - these ducks that don't have much stuffing to pull out and spread around the house. And they make this quacking noise. It cracks me up - it will be like 11 at night and I'm going to bed and from downstairs I'll hear this "quack...quack quack." It makes me giggle every time.

That's it for now. I'll start taking more pictures again. It's just been so darned busy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you can still chuckle at the noisy toys when you are going to bed. My wife does not take it so well. Oh yeah - we got a dog & named it Tiki. I'm sure she would love your lounge.

10:50 AM  

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