Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dinner tonight...

...was our first family dinner at the table since the accident. I've been lazy about cooking. Neighbors have brought food for us (we really do have the best neighbors in all of Hidden Valley up on Coyle Springs), and we've done take out, and smoothies, and frozen pizzas and sandwiches grilled cheese and tater tots and easy stuff. And I've brought Rachel most of her meals in bed. And Jake and I have eaten like bachelors.

But tonight I cooked, and we sat at the table. After we moved the piles of insurance forms and accident reports and medical bills and pictures and so forth.

I made sticky rice, stir fried and steamed veggies, Teryaki Tri-Tip (henceforth known as 3T Beef), and 3 Cup Chicken. I even made the rice look pretty like in John's Adobo dish. I just crammed it in a little round bowl and dumped it out on the plate. It was all grubbin'. And I think I prefer a thin tri-tip to flank steak and will use it from now on for Teryaki beef.

Funny what you discover when the butcher doesn't have what you really want and you go with whatever has the $2 off coupon.

I had one of those barbecue catastrophes that makes you a little nervous while cooking the Tri-Tip. I guess I haven't cleaned the drip pan for a while because it got a little raging fire going. And I scrambled to find my squirt bottle. Found it cracked from being left in the sun. Ran to the garage and filled my backup. And squirted for about five minutes. And thinking, "That tank top my Mom gave me is probably flame repellent, right?" And, "These cannisters are safe and don't blow any more, right?"

I was about three squirts from running for the fire extinguisher under the sink. But I was finally able to get it out. The tri-tip got a little burned on the outside from the fire, but I pulled it off and checked it with my meat thermometer - 140, just right. And I let it rest like Alton says before slathering with a little Teryaki Dipping Sauce and carving on the bias.

The meal was brief because it hurt Rachel to sit at the table. But it was good eats and wonderful to sit together as a family and talk about our days again. I really missed that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm.... now you're making me hungry. Personally, I would tend to avoid the recipes that include the directions - "after you remove the meat from the inferno..."

That reminds me... I should set up Tivo to record Good Eats. That is a great show. Of course, then I would just need to find the time to watch it.


3:53 PM  

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