Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Is it really only 2:05?

It feels like 6:30. But then I've been working and sleeping odd hours lately. Work till my eyes go blurry, then sleep until I feel a little better. This cold or flu or whatever is a drag. I've nicknamed my nose, "Mt. Gushmore." And I'm slowly giving myself a nose job with Kleenex. I'm all W.C. Fields looking right now, but without the benefits of gin. Sleep and Alleve seem to have gotten rid of the fever aches.

I got my code written and shipped off for testing, so that's good. And the latest storm isn't so bad so far, anyway. Steady rain, but not so windy. And it looks like it's nearly over. Until the next one. Looks like Thursday for that one. And then a dry spell.

Ted's power is back on, and he wasn't scared a bit - just a little cold.

I'm going to go nap now and then build a fire and watch as Obama wins and Edwards takes second in New Hampshire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sun? Ah yes - I hate the grey days. It is kind of sad how much I realize now that the grey days have a definite impact on my emotional state after living in Seattle for 6 years. I didn't notice it that much up there because it was grey most of the time. When it was sunny, you don't really enjoy it as much because you don't trust it. It also seemed like the sunny days weren't quite as sunny as california sunny days. Well, I am still glad to be back (although I am already anxious for spring to come).


9:49 AM  

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