Thursday, January 03, 2008

Drive By Blogging...

I've got a lot of blogging to do. There was Christmas, and New Years. Sadly, I've been bogged down with "Responsibilityuns." That's a phrase from an old Onion article that Rachel and I use almost daily...

Funyuns Still Outselling Responsibilityuns

April 5, 2000 | Issue 36•12

DALLAS–Funyuns, the world leader in artificial onion-ring-flavored and -shaped snack-food items, continues to enjoy an "overwhelming sales lead" over competing brand Responsibilityuns, the trade publication Impulse Purchase Quarterly reported Monday.

We've also coined the term "Ratherdoyuns." So like having company is a Funyun. Vacuuming before company comes is a Responsibilityun. But working on the golf cart is a "Ratherdoyun" because I'd rather do that than vacuum.

Anyway - I got the blast on my new "smart cell phone PDA Windows Mobile device" that Obama won today. And Edwards took second. My dream ticket is Edwards-Obama. Why? Because Edwards was the first and to some extent only candidate talking about class and about restoring the rights of average Americans like you and me and putting our interests ahead of the big corporations and the wealthy few. So I'm happy about that.

Anyway- I'll get something up with a lot of pictures over the weekend. And some pictures of Jake's wrestling tournament as well. But right now, I really need to get to bed because I need to get Jake down to the school at 6:30 for weigh ins.


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