Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tonight we enjoyed...

...the house to ourselves and a movie.

Jake stayed over at his friend Travis' house. We hauled in enough wood to last a few days, in case the rain and snow come a little early. Of course, the hot water heater is still not replaced. But I took a sponge bath and a hot tub today. And I feel much better. And since tomorrow is a holiday, I am now thinking if we're lucky, we'll have something Tuesday.

Anyway - we built a roaring fire, locked the doors, turned down the lights and watched...


Loved it. I think Dolores will dig it. And Joe Madden. Laurie will love it. Paul...well, you never know what Paul will or won't like. But you're better off betting on won't, if there's a wager to be had. Anyway - it reminded me of The Princess Bride. It was fun, sappy, romantic, and magical. And I give it an 8.

Also, I have vowed to finish that short story I started last year, as well as the one I started tonight, before my 40th birthday in May.

So, you know, remind me of that if I forget.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am most curious about DeNiro in Stardust. Hmm... 40th birtday - is that why several of your recent posts have mentioned band names? Is that your chosen method of dealing with your personal mid-life crisis - creating a band with a punk name?

40 is a popular age this year. '68 must have been a good year. The first 40th b-day party I attended this year was paintball. The was fun, but I am not completely healed yet. Those little things can hurt. The second b-day party I am scheduled to attend will be a surprise party at a japanese restaurant. Do you have any plans for yours yet? My 40th is coming up this year as well. I was thinking I might take a tour of some assisted living facilities for my special day.


9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to be your reminder if you forget, I am really good at it....

For my 40th last summer, we went back to basics and had a BBQ and a keg. I went to bed at 4am. There was poker and illegal fireworks if I recall.

3:42 PM  

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