Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Quick Update...

I went and saw my doctor again today. My shoulder is jacked again - not as bad, and I don't have the tingling and numbness like I had in my arm. But I feel it in the same old places at a pain level of 6 or 7 as oppsed to the 9 or occasional 10 it was when it got really bad. And it spread a bit to my other shoulder and down the front of my right shoulder. And when I move my arms it goes pop pop pop like little knuckles cracking. And I also have the little butterfly flutter muscle spasms going on. Two nights ago I got a few reall sharp twinges so I made an appointment to try to nip it in the bud.

She said it is probably stress related. And she hadn't found out yet (after a month plus) whether my insurance will authorize an MRI. She said she'd call me when she found out. Which is what she said last time. But I can't complain right now. Why not? Because she refilled my Vicodin and Baclofen scrips. And I feel a little floaty. Anyway - yeah, it's stress related -Duh! She suggested I take a trip down to behavioral health. Wonder if my insurance covers that.

I've been really good about my posture, mostly because it hurts when I sit wrong. And I've been exercising and losing some weight. But lately I've had to type more because I'm doing accounting and taxes that don't work very well with the dictation software. So that probably doesn't help.

Some good news, though - my neighbor is giving us a hot tub that someone gave him. It runs on 110 and he wants one that runs on 220. I'm a little concerned about the PG&E bill, which is why he wants a 220. But doing the math on what it will cost in electricity, it will be a few years at least before the difference in power consumption exceeds the value of a free hot tub. So I think that will help me and Rachel's back as well. My neighbor rocks. If he ever pulls you over, please be nice to him.

On the business front, well, not too much to report. Chris got his formal offer letter. I am still holding out a little bit of hope that I can find some way of keeping it alive. It would probably take some negotiating with Jeremy, who has not been very open to it. But I've talked to a lawyer, and I think once he talks to one as well, he might be more willing to work out something reasonable. We have a formal meeting with our lawyer on Thursday and I'll find out more. But so far, I think we are safe personally because of the protection afforded us by the LLC laws. And the business was clearly losing money. Plus, the company has until December of 2007 to pay out. No word yet on possible full time positions. Which is fine by me. One less thing to think about right now. I've got all of the accounting done and I'm almost finished with the taxes.

That's it for now.

Oh, except for this - Glenn, stop reading and go draw something!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

December 2003?

6:40 PM  
Blogger Eric Soderstrom said...

Sorry - 2007. All the typos on this blog and that's the one you find?

6:58 PM  

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