Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Whoah - it wasn't just me, lots of people saw it...

Check out the video on this page...


It's a video montage on MSNBC (Olbermann, of course) called the Nexus of Politics and Terror. He documents 10 incidents since 2002 where bogus threats or threats based on questionable or outdated intelligence were released in the middle of a news cycle full of damaging or embarassing stories about the Bush Administration. That's 10 IN ADDITION to last week's.

And it has now become an accepted fact that last week's arrests took place not becuase they had to, but because the Bush Administration forced them to, threatening to do it themselves and 'render' the main suspect.

Furthermore, the supposed 'link to al Queda' was probably obtained through torturing the suspect- he was questioned in Pakistan, so that's a prtty safe bet.

It's sick, just sick.

The Democrats need to do two things. No, wait, three.

1.) Win in November.
2.) Win on a progressive platform and stick to that platform.
3.) Investigate all of these criminal acts of the Bush Administration.

Oh, wait, there's four.

4.) Repeal the ridiculous, regressive tax cuts that Bush got passed.

Oh, no, jeez, there's five.

5.) Undo all of the lousy laws that have been passed in the last six years- Patriot Act, Bankruptcy Bill, Environmental Bills, Energy Policy, etc.

I'm sure there's six, and probably a lot more than that, but I am done with this post. Check out that video, though.


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