Saturday, October 07, 2006

Quick Update...

...because I get sad when my MyYahoo page says "No items in the past three days."

I'm home.

ar‧du‧ous, ˈɑrdyu-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahr-joo-uhs or, especially Brit., ahr-dyoo-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult: an arduous undertaking.
2. requiring or using much energy and vigor; strenuous: making an arduous effort.
3. hard to climb; steep: an arduous path up the hill.
4. hard to endure; full of hardships; severe: an arduous winter.

[Origin: 1530–40; <>arduus erect, steep, laborious; see -ous]

That's the best word that I know of to describe this trip. A lot of pressure, long hours, tight windows. But I'm home, for now.

Rachel and Jake picked me up at the airport. My dogs seem to think I need to make up for being gone for three weeks by feeding them all of the treats that I would have given them had I been here, and they want them all tonight.

And I had a long, and long overdue, conversation with my sister, Laurie. It lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes. The best conversations cannot be scheduled, they just sort of happen like this one did.

Now I'm going to use what strength I have left to pour myself in to the hot tub for a soak and then dig a little deeper and find the strength to make it upstairs to sleep next to my wife for a change. Actually, that part will be easy. I'm really looking forward to it.

I have a lot to do, but I will try to get some more posts up this weekend to talk about Rachel's visit to Washington last weekend, more specifics about the trip, and what lies ahead.

Oh, and if you read this, remind me to get my picks in. I almost won last week. Stupid Green Bay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Nephew. Make those picks. You don't want Plaid Zebra to walk away at the top spot again this week! Glad you had a good conversation with your Sis. I haven't talked/emailed with her in a while.
Sending you love and hugs.
Auntie L

7:05 PM  

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