Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And Another...

From April 12th...

Kurt Vonnegut, Novelist Who Caught the Imagination of His Age, Is Dead at 84

So it's not news anymore. I am surprised and a little disappointed that it was just a blip in the news. I mean, Anna Nicole was hot and all, but I'd rather have an afternoon walk with Kurt than, well, you know, if I was single and all.

There are a lot of writers whose work I really like. I love Kerouac and the whole Beat scene, and I dig Robert Anton Wilson, and Maxine Hong Kingston, and I had a big Mark Leyner phase, and a Will Self phase, and I buy every McSweeney's and really enjoy Dave Eggers and all he does, and Italo Calvino, and I have six pages left in Pynchon's Against The Day - But I never wish I could write like any of them. I know as a writer you are supposed to find your own voice and all. But I must confess, I wish I could write like Kurt more than any other writer I've read.

Here's a picture of our upstairs bookshelf...

There's some Vonnegut on the left. There's a 1st edition second printing of Breakfast Of Champions. I'm gonna have to go back and read some of those.

Also in this picture, you'll see Robert Anton Wilson on the left side of the upper right visible shelf. There's some other neat things to see. I think the picture will get bigger if you click on it. Anyway - There's the "I Like You" book Travis gave me. On the right side of the upper left shelf you will see both Glenn's "Everybody Moos At Cows" and Alberto's "WYAHANGA" - both signed by the artist.

On the bottom left of the picture, you can see the top of a Cliff's Notes. That's Cliff's Notes for The New Testament. I think that's funny.

Anyway, bye Kurt. Sorry to see you go. I wish I could have met you or heard you read. And I promise I will forever correct anyone who still thinks you wrote that commencement speech about using more sunscreen.


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