Monday, October 08, 2007

Joe Torre's looking for work, I guess...

Of course, the Red Sox wrapped things up nicely yesterday. I'm a little concerned about so much time until their next game. It feels like they are on a tear and I wish the next series started tomorrow.

Anyway - Sorry Glenn. And Laurie. But not Jake. Jake had it comin' for being a smart alec about the Yankees all year. I really wish we could have had that bet, Glenn. Also, it was sort of a sucker bet - I've already got tons of pictures of me in a public place wearing a Yankee cap from coaching Little League last Spring. And I'm sure I could have found a bottle of that Jeter cologne Driven or whatever at WalMart for 5 bucks and just put it in Jake's stocking for Christmas. Also, Glenn, the ALDS is what the Yankees just lost. We don't need any luck with that. It's the ALCS that we are going to win next. Please adjust your voodoo hex...I mean good luck wishes accordingly.

If I was Joe Torre and my boss George pulled some crap like that, I would seriously consider calling in sick for work the next day. Or maybe just wait for the first pitch to be thrown, call time, walk up to the home plate umpire and drop an F bomb on him and get myself tossed in the first inning. I would then tip my cap to the owner's box as I left the field.

But enough about baseball...

Took Rachel down to see her doctor again this afternoon. The MRI shows she has a Schmorl's Nodule. What's that you ask? Click here to find out.

Also, she asked us to follow up with a neurologist and a back surgeon as a precaution. She extended Rachel's off work period until November 26th. And that would make for a fine Thanksgiving if she isn't in pain by then. We'll see.

I've read some books on how to settle a claim without a lawyer. Hopefully we will be able to negotiate a fair settlement on our own. Because it looks like the net difference between a fair settlement without a lawyer and a fair settlement with a lawyer is pretty much the lawyer's fees. But we'll see. I've moved on to some other books about surviving an accident - financially, physically, and emotionally. Today in the doctor's office Rachel said something like, "When we keep having these tests that come back negative, it makes me feel like I'm crazy or something." And just last night I read that that is a common thing with victims. I'm going to have to make her turn off the Craft Network or whatever and read that chapter. She is hurt and her pain is real.

And everything is going to be OK.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fingers are crossed that she will be pain free by turkey day. That would definitely be something to be thankful for.

If I was Joe Torre - I would take a look at my paycheck & say "DAMN! That is a lot of money. I'm sure I could afford some therapy to recover from a bad boss on my boat in the Bahamas."

Take care & I wish your Yankees... I mean Red Sox luck.


10:47 AM  

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