Tuesday, March 04, 2008

And while I've got the tin foil Kangol on...

I read Hillary said this today...

Hillary Clinton told reporters that both she and the presumtive Republican nominee John McCain offer the experience to be ready to tackle any crisis facing the country under their watch, but Barack Obama simply offers more rhetoric. "I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say," she said. "He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002."

Her experience? What is that, exactly? When the phone rang at the White House at 3:00 AM, she said, "Honey, who was that?"

If I were a Republican, I would add to that, "Is that Monica, again!?"

She makes me angry and brings out the mean in me.

She also reportedly ran an ad that flat out lies about one of Obama's subcommittees. She says a subcommittee of which he was the head was supposed to be in charge of fighting al Queda in Afghanistan, but Obama was too busy running for President to hold meetings. Thing is, that's not the charge of his sub-committee.

And the ad she ran makes Obama look darker than he is. That's part of the TFK part - could be coincidence, but I am leaning towards intentional.

She will do or say anything to win...anything to win! That's the Republican way. Who cares about the damage? If she loses Tuesday, she's out. So what if her comments will be recycled later to hurt Obama. She doesn't care.

Granted, these reports came from DailyKOS, and I have yet to fact check the quote from today. But I have no reason to doubt it. I know several women who I love and whose opinions I respect that voted for her in the primary. I have had some hand wringing moments over why I favor Obama over Hillary - I accused myself of gender bias and then tried to defend myself. And I defended myself successfully, or at least to my own satisfaction. I think the biggest problems in our country stem from the consolidation of money and power in the hands of the few and that Obama is the best candidate to address and correct this reality. Do I think he will wave a magic wand and make it all better? No. Absolutely not - but I think he will fight the good fight - he will have to choose his battles, but he will fight the good fight.

As recently as last week, I thought that an Obama-Clinton ticket was something worth considering. But now? Foregt it. She has lost me - utterly, and probably forever.

I already think that He will win Texas and she will win Ohio. I think this largely because the vote rigging in Ohio is so much better, and to the evil, she is the lesser of two goods.

If it were my birthday, I would say Obama-Kucinich, but that's not until May.

Obama-Edwards, please.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have gotten much more cynical relating to the presidential elections. I really don't think there is much of a shadow left of what the candidates really think. It is a political machine & they are willing to say whatever it takes to sway the people and get in office. If they weren't willing to do that, they would be hanging out with Kucinich on the bench.


11:27 AM  

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