Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Three more things...

I've got some catching up to do. But for now, here are three things...

First, Snickers has put out this wicked candy bar with a freakin' WARNING LABEL. It's got caffeine, taurine, and B-vitamins.

The warning says, "Not recommended for pregnant women, children, or people sensitive to caffeine."

I washed it down with a cup of Peet's and I was literally BUZZING!

Also, for some reason, I keep getting AARP stuff in the mail. Funny thing to me is they all come to "Eric Thomas Soderstrom, Jr." I'm not even 40 (quite) yet. So somewhere in some database, they must have me confused with somebody else. I assume with my Dad, but who knows?

And finally, Rachel and I, and sometimes Jake, have taken to playing Scrabble when we veg out in front of the TV. I had a new first for me - last night I got a Bingo with "Goldener" that also got me a triple word score. 80 points total. In the last two games, I have won by a bingo or less. When Rachel finally learns to save her "S" and blank tiles, I'm in trouble.

I'll try to get another post up soon - We did some yard work and sprucing, Rachel did a lot of planting, we took three 15 year old boys bowling, and I got some pictures of the peacocks in the backyard. I only hope that when he finally decides to molt, he'll do it in our yard so we can get the feathers. I remember my Mom had a vase full of them when we were young. And they look cool. And it's sort of become a weird symbolic thing for The Hotel Yorba.

You're not sick of the peacocks yet, are you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw those Snickers in a store - actually, it was probably a gas station. Oh well, I ran quickly before I got close enough to read the warning label. Since it has been a few years since I have done any significant amount of caffeine (I have had small amounts of chocolate which contain caffeine - I am a sucker for details), I decided not to try eating the caffeine loaded Snickers.

My vocab is so bad, I would probably average about 3 letters per word. Damn! I ran out of C, A and T. I have a D and an O - now if I can only get that G, I'll be in good shape.


5:37 AM  
Blogger Elise said...

I LOVE caffeine, but try and limit myself to the liquid form. Generally the form of coffee. But I was somewhere recently, and I drank a "Diet Pepsi Max", which I had never heard of before, and I felt like I had downed a pack of NoDoz! I was freaking out, and I was cleaning the house, and I got out the Shop Vac! Maybe I should try that more often!

My last scrabble game last summer, involved 2 English majors (not me), margheritas and the F word. It just got funnier from there.

10:20 AM  

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