Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It just occured to me...

...that it might not be the wisest thing to advertise a trip to Disneyland on a blog. What if some internet savvy burglars are out there? And what if they were somehow able to analyze the content and photos of this blog and determine where I live?

If you are an internet savvy burglar, please know that we have friends staying here in our absence to take are of the dogs. Big dogs. And a lot of my neighbors are cops or sheriffs or CHP. And we have gates, a burglar alarm, private security, and did I mention the big dogs?

But then, I guess if you were casing the joint, you'd know all this already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't's not like you posted your address (714 Deer Valley Spring Court)and said the spare key is in the knot of the Magnolia Tree on the side yard anywhere on your blog. -Bigfoot

3:33 PM  

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