Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's been a while...

Sorry for the long stretch between posts. I've been struggling with this messed up shoulder. I've had a couple of really long slow agonizingly painful nights over the last couple of weeks. I've laid in bed, unable to get comfortable thinking, "How am I going to feed my family if I can't be a computer geek." The good news is I think it's getting better. I can sleep through the night now, and I think that's helping heal. And taking less pain medication. I've been going to physical therapy, and doing the exercises, and the pain is tolerable now. I'm still waiting to hear back from my doctor about the x-rays. The weird thing is, while the pain is gone, I now have this strange combination of numbness and tingling that stretches from my shoulder blade through my elbow were throbs a bit and then continues down to the fingertips on my thumb, middle and index fingers. Anyway, I'm working again, I've got my ergo keyboard, the new trackball with a wrist rest, this dictation software, and my under desk sit to stand keyboard drawer is on the way. I'm going to try to get a few pics and some posts up now.


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