Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Two killed as Afghans stage new protests over cartoons

By Robert Birsel

KABUL (Reuters) - At least two more Afghans were killed and 16 wounded on Wednesday in fresh protests against cartoons depicting Islam's most revered prophet that have enraged Muslims around the world.

Tens of thousands of Muslims have demonstrated in the Middle East, Asia and Africa over the drawings, first published in Denmark, then Norway and then several other European countries. At least eight people have died in related violence.

Six have died in Afghanistan alone, where protesters have turned their wrath on local authorities after their attempts to target Western institutions were thwarted

If this were taken out of a book written by Robert Anton Wilson (like the little midget running around altering signs in public places and causing riots or something) or maybe Thomas Pynchon, I would find it amusing, enjoyable, but far-fetched fiction. But this is from frigging Reuters and it is happening right now. Over a bunch of cartoons.

I'm not sure how this is affecting American's perceptions of the muslim world, but it can't be good. I bet you could find some tin-foil hat web sites that say it was planned to prime us to bomb Iran next. I don't think it was planned, so no tin foil hat for me. But I do think we are being primed because of it.

And the sad thing is that I bet a lot of people are outraged by the muslim response. And that people think only muslims behave this way. To those of you that think that way, don't forget about Pat Robertson and the Christian Fundamentalists who assasinate doctors and firebomb abortion clinics. The cause may be different, but the violence is the same. And hate never did conquer hate.

We can't control how they react, but we can control our reaction to theirs.


I wonder if Thomas Pynchon ever Googles himself. Mr. Pynchon, if you do, and you happen to come across this page, please post a comment or e-mail me. And publish something, would ya? It's been a while since I've read a good story about Were-Beavers.


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