Halloween Preview...
So I've been workin on pulling together my Halloween costume for a while now. I decided to be Walter Sobchak ("Over the line!" "Mark it zero!" "Shut the f*%k up, Donnie!" "I'm calmer than you are, Dude." etc.) from The Big Lebowski.
I picked up a toy .45 and found a Folgers can in the garage. Got a cheap fishing vest and shades and bandana at the Evil-Mart. I already had the boots. I'm almost there.
I could really use a lid for the coffee can (Folger's switched to plastic cans) and ideally a bowling ball bag. If anyone who reads this is nearby and has one, I would love to borrow it.
Oh, and I ordered dog tags online - for religious preference, one says "Jewish" and one says "Polish Catholic." That's only funny if you have seen the movie more than a few times.
And if you haven't, you probably should.