Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween...

I just realized that my last post "Too many bats..." might have been misconstrued as a Halloween post. But it wasn't, of course. This one is, though.

Jake is figuring out his plans. I'm not sure of the details, but he will be going trick or treating unsupervised for the first time. This is partly due to his demonstrating that he is a responsible 14 year old and partly due to circumstances.

Anyway, Rachel and I are staying home. I'm going to try to put up a few more decorations and cobble some sort of costume together. I don't think I have Elvis Dracula in me tonight, but we'll see.

Anyway - a coworker passed me a link I want to share. You can carve a virtual pumpkin.

Here's mine...

And here's the link to carve your own.

Happy Halloween!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bro. Got your message. Thanks for calling. I'm being a bit of a Boo Humbug this hallow's eve. Mainly due to the current neighborhood situation and the murder last month two blocks away! You know me, I've never been into opening my door to complete strangers praying they don't slash me! I blame the early years of CLAWS the movie! You know, when I got sucked under the stairs (I still can't walk up stairs that have open backs without running!) oh, and there's the tramma of taking the garbage out and being attacked by claws in the can! Ah, the memories! hehe. But seriously, I think people are afraid to let their kids up my steps to trick or treat since you can't really see the door from the curb, so this year Brie & I bundled up with the lights out and watched the Halloween marathon on the Chill network! Happy Hallow's Eve!

10:05 PM  

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