Way too much to do to be blogging...
...nevertheless, I blog.
OK, so yesterday's traumas, minor and major, are fading. And I don't want to sound like a whiny little bi... boy, a naughty little boy. So here you go...
Whatever, like I said, I probably forgot six or eight things. But hey, at least I'm not stuck at Qualcomm stadium and my house isn't threatened by a forest fire, right?
OK, so yesterday's traumas, minor and major, are fading. And I don't want to sound like a whiny little bi... boy, a naughty little boy. So here you go...
- Frustrating trying to cram everything in to available luggage.
- Realizing too late that barbecue sauce is a prohibited item.
- Having to check my backpack.
- Having to go through security again.
- Realizing and dwelling on the erosion of civil liberties (queueing up, taking off my shoes, presenting travel papers, etc.)
- Thinking about the frog in the boiling water versus the frog in the cool water where the temperature is raised gradually, and identifying with the latter frog.
- Arrive at airport an hour and a half before my flight and still end up in boarding group 'C'.
- Watching this group of people running late get rushed to the front of the security line and then holding up everybody because they were so laden with jewelry and such.
- Stuck in last row with lady wider than she was tall next to me. I know I'm big, but she spilled over the seats to the right and to the left.
- Hydraulic failure I mentioned yesterday.
- The heat and humidity in the plane with no power.
- Deplane.
- Replane, but cattle call because they handed out emergency boarding passes in no particular order.
- Worried about making my connecting flight in Houston.
- Lots of turbulence.
- Captain Kangaroo triple bounced the landing in Houston.
- Seeing the state of my luggage thanks to TSA's incompetence. They disassembled my backpack and sent it on it's way to get tangled up in the automated equipment. Broke my barbecue sauce. Roughly opened and badly repackaged gifts.
- Southwest pointed the finger at TSA
- TSA pointed the finger at Southwest
- Finally get to the car and have to drive home tow hours reaking of barbecue sauce
- Missed the end of the Red Sox game
- Mellow out less than a mile from home when something hit my windshield. Perhaps a bird because there are no cracks.
Whatever, like I said, I probably forgot six or eight things. But hey, at least I'm not stuck at Qualcomm stadium and my house isn't threatened by a forest fire, right?
Yes, but you didn't end your day in a rather small tube that resembled a coffin, listening to a series of banging around your body that closely resembled gunshots being fired in your ears for 45 minutes. Okay, okay...I'll take my day over yours anytime. What the hell...I'd be so miffed about the mustard! Is that your laptop inside too?!? Hey is that special mustard that you made yourself in your chef class?!?! Glad yer home. Love you-L PS did Rach show/tell you about what I programed into your phone?!?
BTW: My experience was actually not as bad as I am making in out to be. I have resolved my issues with the MRI machine. And I didn't take the prescribed valium from my doctor either...Rachel gave me a great idea. I brought along my lavendar scented eye mask that I believe you gave me for my massage biz (you know...back in the day) and wore that during the MRI. Even if tempted to open my eyes, they were blocked by the mask. And the loverly lavendar scent was rather relaxing!
Well, yeah, but I am the only person I know who backed out of an MRI. So I don't think I'd trade you. I wouldn't want to have to deal with the humiliation again.
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