Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes But Only People Make You Cry...

That's not really relevant. But I was trying to think of a title for this post, and that tune from Paint Your Wagon popped in to my head. As a general rule, I hate musicals. And that movie is the exception that makes the rule. I mean, come on, Clint Eastwood sings about how he still sees Elisa and all. Clint Eastwood sings. And it is the first movie I ever saw, or at least the first I remember seeing. We saw it with Jack and all the other kids fell asleep at the drive in, but I stayed up. Mom was pregnant with Laurie, so I must have been about three at the time.

So I know some of you have it pretty bad, but for those of you out of state, I thought I'd show you what it's like here.

This is what our view normally looks like...

And this is what you see today...

No, Doug Henning is not in town, you really can't see the mountain.
It's pretty bad, bordering on unhealthy.

Mysterious booger formations in the morning, getting a little winded from time to time, itchy eyes and such. It's a bummer.
Also, I just found out the Fireworks Celebration has been postponed indefinitely. I'll give you an update on that when I know more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... calling paint your wagon a musical might be a bit of a stretch. The sky here is pretty bad, too. The sun was looking orange while it was still quite high in the sky. Hmm... an all day sunset. I guess that could be seen as the bright side of inhaling smoke all day long.


9:21 PM  

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