Sunday, September 07, 2008

And then I saw this...

...and I didn't feel so bad.

Also, let's see how compassionate the conservatives are when Ike rolls in to town and everyone isn't watching a convention.


Blogger Ted Seymour said...

You've got to be kidding. Did you photoshop that or was that possibly the real NYTM cover? If it's real, you've got to explain more about what this means? Are space aliens never seen with their arms above their heads? Did Neanderthal's have inferior shoulder joints and that's why they died out? Is he afriad to point to God for fear of tapping into a lightning bolt? Whenever he raises his arms, does he beat them down on a person in a wheelchair so his handlers have rigged up a restraining device under his illfitting suits...?

9:25 AM  

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