Friday, November 02, 2007

Trick Or Treating at the Hotel Yorba...

Since so many of my favorite kids live far away (Albany, Portland, Seattle, Edison, England, and so on) I shot a video so you can pretend you were trick or treating at my house. Don't worry, the dogs were locked away in the office and the "B" pumpkin should only be scary to Laurie and Glenn.

We've amassed a nice little costume collection over the years. The trick is to go to WalMart or Kmart or Target or whatever the day or so after Halloween. And so Jake first put together a very good Jason Vorhees. He had Friday the 13th movie sounds playing out of his candy sack. And then just for a goof, he transformed himself in to mariachi Jason.

He went out with a big group of friends and it looked like they had a blast. And we had the scanner on, and they didn't get in any trouble either. We did get in to an argument about whether or not he had to wear the jump suit. My position was: If you are going trick or treating, you need to wear a costume- You don't get to wear your regular clothes and a stupid mask and collect candy. That's how I was brought up. Anyway, the compromise was he had to wear the whole outfit to his friend's house, and after that he could make up his mind. And when they swung by here, the coveralls were off. I don't understand what his deal was. He looked awesome. I keep trying to remember what it was like to be his age, but it's hard sometimes. I can remember what my parents were like when I was his age. And I try to do some things different. But I liked the "no costume, no trick or treating" rule.


Blogger Elise said...

The children in Seattle enjoyed trick or treating at your house. They were a little disappointed in the lack of candy, haha. The are always jealous of anyone with a strobe light, so maybe I will go looking for one this weekend....We already hit the Target sale last night and got some shirts for next year....

10:35 AM  

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