Friday, October 24, 2008

We'll bring you more as the story develops...

Thanks Joe, for the prodding. This is me lately...

No need to rub it in, man. I feel bad enough.

I did everything I could to help. I wore my lucky shirt and cap - and the shirt was getting pretty stinky because it worked in the ALDS and I refused to wash it. I even shaved my head and not my beard.

Rachel said, "Who are you supposed to be? Kevin Youkilis?" And I think I'm a lucky man to have a wife that would make that connection. And then she added, "Well you're going to have to dye it red."

Maybe if I shave my head and my goatee and get a really good tan she will start calling me "Big Papi."

Anyway - I will try to find some time for blogging this weekend.


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